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Autumn Term 2

Welcome to Ash Tree Class

We are looking forward to the term ahead and can’t wait to show you our Christmas play!

Please continue to ensure that everything you send into school is named.


Class notices

This term, our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. We ask for PE kits to be left in school on your child’s peg, between these sessions, as well as week to week, to ensure that things are not forgotten. We send kits home at the end of each half term to be washed. Please remember to send them back in on the first day of the next term.

Please continue to send reading books into school each Wednesday and a new book will be sent home each Friday. Remember to ‘Strive for 5!’

Year 1 will begin to have spellings to consolidate at home. Please bring the spelling folder to school every Friday, we will send home new spellings each week and you will be able to see how your child is progressing.


Forest school sessions will mainly happen on Friday’s however, we may go into the forest or out onto the field at other times during the week, so please leave wellies and waterproofs with us to ensure that there is ongoing access for the children.


This term our topic is ‘Being Kind to You and Me!’ Here is our topic web. 

Topic web Nov21.JPG
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