Take a look at this checklist which gives developmental milestones for children at different ages and highlights what children should be typically able to do and our list o FAQ's about reading at home
Questions to develop comprehension skills
Can your child find evidence directly and indirectly from the story?
What did……… do?
How many……… were/are there?
Where did it happen?
Who was there?
Who are………?
How does he describe it?
How do you make/do……?
What happened when……… did………?
What happened to………?
How is the character feeling? How do you know?
Can your child answer questions without referring to the story?
Have you ever....?
If you could....?
If you were going to....?
In your opinion...?
Do you agree with...? Why...?
Do you know anyone who...?
How do you feel about....?
What do you think will happen next...?
Read through these "top tips" on hearing your child read
Phonics - How to support your child at home:
Phonics Play - www.phonicsplay.co.uk
Phonics Bloom - www.phonicsbloom.com
Top Marks - www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games
Parent Booklets