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Starting School

In Early Years, we are laying the foundations for a lifetime of learning. At Badbury Park Primary School we want to ensure children have the best start to their education, nurturing them into inquisitive thinkers and embedding a positive attitude to school.

We recognise that children come to us with many different talents, experiences and individual needs and we want to support your child in the best way possible as they start school. To support your child’s transition, our EYFS Lead and/or SENCo will contact your child’s current nursery and may visit your child in that setting.


Our parent meetings go over the practical information about starting school, giving you a chance to meet your child’s teacher and ask any questions. Badbury Park offers four ‘Stay and Play’ sessions throughout the Summer Term, giving the children a chance to explore both indoor and outdoor areas, meet their peers, engage with their class teacher and is a lovely opportunity for parents to meet each other and join the Badbury Community.


We conduct home visits prior to your child starting school where the class teacher and teaching assistant meet your child in their home, a familiar surrounding where they are most confident.

We understand all children are unique and learn best when they feel valued, safe and secure and through our enhanced induction process, the moment your child gains a place in our school, the relationship begins to build and their journey at Badbury Park begins.





"A child’s transition into education is an exciting time for families. However it can often raise questions from parents about how life is going to change. What will primary school life be like?" (BBC Teach)

Click on the following link below for practical advice and support.

BBC Teach website

Getting ready for Primary School:

Take a look at our beautiful Early Years setting....

Maths provision at Badbury Park Primary School

Literacy provision at Badbury Park Primary School

© 2019 Badbury Park Primary School

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