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Pupil Premium Statement

At Badbury Park Primary School we aim to improve both the attainment and achievement of all our pupils regardless of their circumstance, giving every child the very best chance of success in primary school. Raising the aspiration, attainment and self-esteem of our least financially advantaged students is a major priority of the school.

Our key objective in the use of the pupil premium funding is to decrease the gap for our disadvantaged pupils and other groups.  As a school we have a robust assessment and tracking system that ensures that children make good progress. 

Money is allocated to the school and we are determined that it has maximum impact. We analyse pupil data and ensure that the funding is being proven to be effective.  We have a provision map which shows all disadvantaged groups and highlights the impact that the additional interventions and resources have, and this guides us in targeting the next set of funding to ensure highest impact in attainment and narrowing the gap.  We also create case studies that show the effectiveness of how the funding has been used and its impact.

We believe that quality first teaching alongside emotional wellbeing is paramount. Long term, we will invest heavily in our inclusion team to ensure that all pupils are happy, safe and secure and ready and able to learn. We currently access support from The Blue Kite Lighthouse Team, who help provide us with parental support and expertise.

As a school we have also highlighted there may be a need to support our families to ensure a smooth transition from home to school. We have trained members of staff to deliver parenting courses internally and regularly, in partnership with the Blue Kite. We also liaise with external organisations and identify opportunities for children to have an enriched and enhanced experience of the curriculum. We will provide opportunities for residentials, athletics, Forest School, trips and visits. As our school grows we will identify intervention programmes and other areas that will enhance the children’s experiences and ensure they progress and achieve well.

PPG Strategy 2024

© 2019 Badbury Park Primary School

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