Welcome to Badbury Park Nursery
Badbury Park Primary School opened in September 2019, and we currently have places for up to 24 children in the mornings and afternoon sessions.
Please click on the 'Nursery Session Times' tab above for further information.
Our Early Years vision
"Well planned play, both indoors and outdoors, is a key way in which young children learn with enjoyment and challenge." (EYFS)
We understand that starting in a new setting can provide challenges for children and families, particularly where children may never have been cared for outside their immediate family. At Badbury Park, we want to support our families through smooth transitions. During transition, our primary focus is on wellbeing and engagement. Happy, settled children make the best progress.
An enabling environment allows children to be adventurous and curious through open-ended exploration and discovery. This ties in with our school values – Be Curious, Be Kind, Be Ambitious, Be Adventurous.
All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to free learning and care, in an early years setting from the start of the term following their third birthday, for 38 weeks in a full year. Parents requiring a place for their child at Badbury Park, will need to complete the school's application form. Parents will be notified of the success of their application, after the application deadline date. We advise you to read our Nursery Admissions Policy, prior to applying. Children are required to wear school uniform in our Nursery, details for this can be found on our school website in our parents section.
Please read the Swindon Borough Council Early Years and Childcare privacy notice when you are applying for a place in our nursery. You need to be aware of this privacy notice if you use an early years provider to claim Early Education Funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds and enter into an agreement when signing the form ‘Parental Declaration Form’.
To download a copy of our Nursery Handbook, please click here.